Love Addiction: 10 Signs to Look Out For

Love is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can take an unexpected turn. Have you ever wondered if your intense feelings for someone might be something more, something like love addiction? Today, let's chat about spotting the symptoms and recognising the signs of love addiction.

Constant Need for Validation

Do you find yourself constantly seeking validation and approval from your partner? Love addiction often involves an insatiable hunger for your partner's affection, which can become all-consuming.

Fear of Abandonment

A hallmark sign of love addiction is a crippling fear of abandonment. If the thought of your partner leaving terrifies you, it might be time to reflect on whether this fear is taking over your life.

Neglecting Other Responsibilities

When love becomes an addiction, it can lead to neglecting other important areas of your life—your work, friendships, and even self-care. Keep an eye on whether you're unintentionally prioritising your relationship above everything else.

Constant Obsession

Do thoughts of your partner and your relationship occupy your mind all day, every day? An obsession with your relationship can be a sign of love addiction, diverting your focus from other aspects of life.

Repetitive Relationship Patterns

If you find yourself repeatedly falling into unhealthy relationship patterns, it might be time to consider whether love addiction is a factor. Breaking these patterns can be challenging but essential for growth.

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem often accompanies love addiction. If you constantly seek your partner's validation to feel good about yourself, it's time to examine your self-worth.

Neglecting Red Flags

Love addicts tend to ignore red flags in relationships, even when they're glaringly obvious. This can lead to staying in toxic or harmful situations.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

Struggling to set boundaries in your relationship can be a sign of love addiction. It's crucial to establish healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

Escalating Relationship Drama

Love addiction can fuel a desire for emotional intensity and drama in relationships. Be mindful of whether you're unconsciously creating drama in your love life.

Neglecting Self-Care

Lastly, love addiction often results in neglecting self-care. Remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as nurturing your relationship.

Recognising the signs of love addiction is the first step toward healing and healthier relationships. If any of these symptoms resonate with you, it's okay to seek support. Counselling can be a valuable resource in understanding and addressing love addiction, helping you regain balance and emotional well-being.

At Jan Scoones Counselling, I’m here to help you navigate the complexities of love addiction and guide you toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Don't hesitate to reach out if you think you might be struggling with love addiction or if you'd like to learn more about how I can support you on your journey to healing.